Investing in Excellence

Peking University’s School of Transnational Law has established a new global standard of excellence in legal education. STL is renowned for an innovative transnational law curriculum that combines an American style Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree with a Chinese Juris Masters (J.M.) degree. The four-year program includes a multinational faculty of internationally prominent scholars teaching students who are among China’s best. The intellectual life of STL is rich, with leading scholars and jurists from around the world visiting campus throughout the academic year. The employment record of STL graduates is outstanding, with graduates assuming positions of responsibility in leading multinational law firms, leading Chinese law firms, major corporations and banks, leading non-governmental and public interest organizations, and various government offices. And, STL has occupied in 2017, a brand new Kohn Pederson Fox-designed state-of-the art law school building, complete with advanced audiovisual telecommunications case study classrooms and a modern courtroom.

Your support of STL ensures the law school’s continued success and provides a unique opportunity to contribute to a school whose mission and exceptional students are sure to shape the future of transnational law and international exchange. We invite you to contact us at for more information.


"北京大学国际法学院年利达奖助学奖学金"(简称“年利达助学奖学金”)由英国年利达律师事务所(Linklaters LLP)上海代表处设立, 是我院第一个由律师事务所出资设立的院级奖学金。“年利达助学奖学金”项目计划于2022年9月1日至2027年8月31日期间向北京大学深圳 研究生院教育基金会捐赠人民币20万元整,旨在支持北京大学国际法学院教育事业的发展,激励学生刻苦自励、踏实治学,勇于承担社会责任。 该笔捐赠从2022年开始执行,每年支出4万元整,用于资助我院品学兼优、对法律及律师行业有热情、并在经济上需要一定支持的优秀在读学生。 每年根据学校的评选机制及对学生的经济状况评估,挑选出8名获奖学生,每人5000元。


为铭记和感谢所有像Whitmore Gray(惠特莫尔·格雷)教授一样为北京大学国际法学院(STL)的发展和中国法学教育做出贡献的友人, 以及为支持北京大学国际法学院的发展,北京大学国际法学院2012届校友(即第一届毕业生)作为发起人捐款设立“北京大学国际法学院格 雷教授学生发展基金项目”。该基金项目的首期捐赠款拟用于奖励成绩优异、对公益价值有突出贡献的STL同学。目前拟定自2022年开始, 每年奖励4名同学,每人奖励人民币5,000元,年度奖励总额为人民币20,000元。