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Peking University – School of Transnational Law





我院长期访问杰出学者Susan Finder(范思深)在南京大学和复旦大学就涉外法治发展发表学术演讲

​五月,我院杰出学者Susan Finder(范思深)教授应南京大学孙雯教授、复旦大学陆志安教授和荆鸣教授的邀请,在两所大学的法学院和研究所就涉外法治发展战略发表学术演讲。

我院常驻教授Ray Campbell在科威特国际法学院第十届学术年会上发表演讲

我院常驻教授Ray Campbell在五月份举行的科威特国际法学院第十届学术年会(10th Annual International Academic Conference at Kuwait International Law School)上发表学术演讲,Campbell教授探讨了“人工智能如何改变法庭”(How Artificial Intelligen...

创院十五周年系列访谈 | 马修·斯蒂芬森(Matthew Stephenson):接纳未知,行途自明

Matthew Stephenson,哈佛大学法学院教授,北京大学国际法学院(以下简称“STL”)访问教授。在加入哈佛大学法学院前,Stephenson教授曾在美国哥伦比亚特区联邦巡回上诉法院担任斯蒂芬·威廉姆斯高级法官和美国联邦最高法院安东尼·肯尼迪大法官的法官助理。...


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时间:2024年9月28-29日 地点:深圳大学城北京大学深圳研究生院

校友沙龙 | 8月31日:股权投资——科技成果转化问题

时间:8月31日(周六)15:00-17:00 地点:国际法学院207教室


“The value students derive from the combination of STL’s J.D. and J.M. curriculums exceeds the value of studying either independently of the other. STL courses blend the study of China law, U.S. law, and EU law in ways designed to equip students for the practice of law in a world in which different legal traditions increasingly interact, creating challenges that only the best transnational lawyers will be able to resolve. The ultimate goal of comparative study at STL is to contribute to a deep student awareness of different legal traditions, different commercial practices and expectations, different cultures, different notions of truth and justice, and the rules, practices and outcomes likely to emerge from their interaction.”

—— Philip McConnaughay, 北京大学国际法学院院长,法学教授


—— 茅少伟, 助理教授

“In the 21st century, the structure and decision-making of multinational enterprises are changing in fundamental ways. Key responsibilities are shifting from centralized headquarters to dispersed networks of affiliates; integrated international production systems have emerged; and forms of government influence are becoming more varied and less formal. To keep pace with these rapid changes, international economic law obligations and international dispute settlement procedures must adapt, which raises challenging issues for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers.”

– Mark Feldman, 法学教授

“I have no doubt my classmates and I are spending our best times at STL. Residing in an environment of competing viewpoints and inspired by brilliant professors, everyone here is stimulated to demonstrate their innate ability to question and critique with passion and great mental endurance, to rise above the hustle and bustle of ivory-tower intellectualism, and to always be a humble, ever-learning individual. I always feel lucky to be part of this enterprise.”

– Qin Shijie, Class of 2020





“Driven by forces as diverse as globalization and technological progress, the realm of legal services is going through profound and irreversible change. My research examines what these changes will mean for consumers, for practicing lawyers and for legal education. I try to share the implications of these changes with our students, who will live and practice in legal settings far different than any known before. My goal is to help make our students ready to be leaders in this new world.”

- Ray Campbell, 法学教授