“The International Criminal Court and the Justice Cascade,” International Criminal Law Review, Vol. 24, no. 3 (with Barry Hashimoto and Kafumu Kalyalya) (2024).
“Change by Drips and Drabs or No Change at Law: The Coming UNDRIP Battles in Canadian Courts,” American Indian Law Review 11:22 (2023). †
“Playing Along to Get Along: Comity in Canadian Extradition Law,” Supreme Court Law Review 101 (2021). †
“Is There Even A Standard of Review at the ICC?” International Criminal Law Review 20:6 (2020). *
“A Separate Head of Judicial Review: Divergent Paths in Common Law Rights Review,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Policy 33:3 (2020). *
“That Most Canadian of Virtues: Comity and Section 7 of the Charter,” Western Journal of Legal Studies (Spring 2020). †
Cited by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. McGregor, 2023 SCC 4.
“What Systems Theorists Mean When They Talk About International Law and the International Rule of Law,” Ancilla Iuris No 1 (2019). *
“Getting to Yes: Lessons for a Transnational Activist,” Law, Social Justice, and Global Development Journal (with Kafumu Kalyalya) (2019). *
“Overcoming Statism from Within,” (with Kafumu Kalyalya). Published in special volume of Critical Horizons (2016). Reprinted in Contestatory Cosmopolitanism, edited by Dr. Tom Bailey, Routledge, 2017 (978-1138291140). *
Cited by Amicus Curiae: Members of the Canadian Partnership for International Justice in ICC Case: ICC-RoC46(3)-01/18-23 (Situation in Bangladesh involving the Rohingya).
“Global Justice and the New Regulatory Regime,” (with Kafumu Kalyalya), Published in a Special Issue of Les Ateliers de l’éthique guest-edited by Yann Allard-Tremblay and Benoit Morissette (Fall 2015). *
“The Autopoietic Turn in Habermas’ Legal Philosophy,” Ancilla Iuris No. 41 (2014). *
Review: “Fascinating and recommended,” Lawrence Solum, Legal Theory Blog.
“Introduction to Symposium on Hugh Baxter’s Habermas – The Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy,” Philosophy and Social Criticism (February 2014). *