Core Foundation Courses

  • Business Associations

    This course surveys the role of legal controls on business organizations, with an emphasis on executives, directors and controlling shareholders of public corporations. Aspects of the law of agency, partnership, and closely held corporations are reviewed to highlight continuities and discontinuities with the publicly held corporation. Topics include basic accounting and basic corporate finance, limited liability, creditor protection, shareholder voting, executive compensation, fiduciary duties, shareholder lawsuits, and control transactions. The emphasis throughout is on the economic analysis of legal rules as a set of constraints on corporate actors.

  • Civil Procedure I and II

    This course looks at civil legal procedure – the process through which private legal rights are enforced – with a particular focus on the U.S. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.  While the course covers the same subject matter as would be covered in a typical US law school civil procedure course, it gives additional, particular emphasis to those aspects of the US civil justice system that are most relevant to non-US lawyers.

  • Constitutional Law

    The first half of this two-quarter course introduces participants to historical, political, and legal developments in U.S. constitutional law, principally in the areas of individual rights and liberties and judicial review. The second quarter covers Federalism and Separation of Powers. Both provide an introduction to U.S. constitutional history with special emphasis on the historical, political, economic, and social circumstances under which American constitutional law has developed. The course explores some of the fundamental ideas underlying the American Constitution as well as the factors and processes that have shaped and changed American constitutional law over the years. A further dimension of understanding is achieved by referring to comparable developments in European, and in particular German, constitutional law.

  • Contracts I and II

    This two-quarter course examines the formation and interpretation of contractual agreements under U.S. law (common law and Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)) and international law (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)). The course also explores issues concerning the avoidance of contractual obligations and remedies for the breach of contractual obligations.

  • Criminal Law I and II

    Through the study of individual cases from multiple jurisdictions, this course develops understanding of the key elements of American criminal law: actus rea, (intent), mens rea (the act) concurrence and causation. The course examines the evidence and factors that courts and juries consider in determining the culpability of a defendant, and possible defenses a defendant might raise to a particular accusation. The course pushes students to think about the principles that have led the U.S. to structure its criminal justice system in the way that it has, and whether or not it is effective in realizing those principles.

  • Legal Analysis, Writing, and Research (LAWR) I, II, and III

    Legal Analysis, Writing, and Research helps acclimate students to law school and to the basic tasks required for the first year of legal writing: understanding the relationships between judicial opinions, reading judicial opinions (critically), deriving legal rules from judicial opinions, and applying legal rules to new sets of facts. Students learn the basics of good legal writing, from the contexts in which legal writing is used, to the use of rubrics (IRAC and CREAC) to help structure writing, to the effective use of analogies to construct legal argument.

  • Professional Responsibility

    Professional Responsibility is a required upper-level course concerned with the ethical standards, professional responsibilities, and regulation of attorneys and judges. The course prepares students to take the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), as well as providing a basis for making professionally responsible decisions in actual practice. The course draws upon comparative and international material when relevant.

  • Property I and II

    This course covers the major concepts and issues of Anglo-American property law. Topics to be covered in the first quarter include the concept of property in Anglo-American property law, property theory, the ownership of real property, adverse possession, the ownership of personal property, estates and future interests in land, concurrent ownership, and marital property. Topics to be covered in the second quarter include the leasing of real property (e.g., nonfreehold estates, assignments, subleases), private land use planning (e.g., easements, real covenants, equitable servitudes), land use regulation, eminent domain, and takings.

  • Torts I and II

    This two-quarter course covers the law of civil injuries and liabilities. The goal of Torts I is to focus in depth on the areas in torts that are the highest-stakes litigation areas, namely the theory of negligence, medical malpractice and emotional harm. Torts II focuses on developing critical thinking skills, so as to provide the intellectual foundation for more advanced torts topics such as products liability, and for new legal areas beyond torts.

  • 中国民法一 (Chinese Civil Law I)


  • 中国民法二 (Chinese Civil Law II)



  • 中国民法三 (Chinese Civil Law III)


  • 中国刑法 (Chinese Criminal Law)


  • 中国公司法 (Chinese Company Law)


  • 中国刑事诉讼法 (Chinese Criminal Procedure)


  • 中国宪法 (Chinese Constitutional Law)

    本课程以教授中国宪法(学)的基本框架和主要内容(宪法基本决策、公民基本权利、国家机关、宪法监督和实施)为核心内容,在此基础上,结合相关的宪法案(事)例,培养学生解释和适用宪法规范的技能。 课程要求学生投入阅读和专研时间,进行宪法评注和宪法案例分析的练习。

  • 中国民事诉讼法 (Chinese Civil Procedure)

    主讲教师: 刘哲玮 (Liu Zhewei)




  • 中国行政法 (Chinese Administrative Law)


  • 中国行政诉讼法 (Chinese Administrative Litigation Law)


  • 中国高级法律检索与写作 (Chinese Advanced Legal Research & Writing)


  • 民法案例练习 (Case Exercises of Civil Law)

