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Kuokseng Hong

Assistant Professor of Law

    • 《义务范围理论下证券服务机构过失虚假陈述赔偿责任》,《法学研究》2022年第5期(”Scope of duty and Securities Service Institutions’ responsibility for negligent misrepresentation in Chinese law”, Chinese Journal of Law,Vol.44, No.5, 2022.

    • 《论作为违约救济的获利交出》,《中外法学》2022年第5期(”Disgorgement for breach of contract”, Peking University Law Journal, Vol.34, No.5, 2022.)

    • 《论权益侵害与获利交出》,《环球法律评论》2022年第2期(”Disgorgement for infringe entitlement”, Global Law Review, Vol.44, No.2, 2022.)

    • 《论第三人行为与违反安全保障义务的责任承担》,《法学》2020年第9期(”On the third party’s behavior and the responsibility for violating the duty of safety protection”, Law Science, No.9, 2020.)

    • 《论使用他人代为履行安全保障义务之违反》,《法治研究》2022年第4期(“On hiring Independent Contractors to fulfill the duty of safety protection”, Research on Rule of Law, No.4,2020)

    • 《论消费者保护法上的履行欺诈》,《南大法学》2020年第3期(”On Fraud in Performance in Consumer Protection Law”, Nanjing University Law Journal, No.3,2020.)

    • Comparative Contract Law

    • Comparative Tort Law

    • Damages

    • Economic Analysis of Civil and Commercial Law

    • 《义务范围理论下证券服务机构过失虚假陈述赔偿责任》,《法学研究》2022年第5期(”Scope of duty and Securities Service Institutions’ responsibility for negligent misrepresentation in Chinese law”, Chinese Journal of Law,Vol.44, No.5, 2022.

    • 《论作为违约救济的获利交出》,《中外法学》2022年第5期(”Disgorgement for breach of contract”, Peking University Law Journal, Vol.34, No.5, 2022.)

    • 《论权益侵害与获利交出》,《环球法律评论》2022年第2期(”Disgorgement for infringe entitlement”, Global Law Review, Vol.44, No.2, 2022.)

    • 《论第三人行为与违反安全保障义务的责任承担》,《法学》2020年第9期(”On the third party’s behavior and the responsibility for violating the duty of safety protection”, Law Science, No.9, 2020.)

    • 《论使用他人代为履行安全保障义务之违反》,《法治研究》2022年第4期(“On hiring Independent Contractors to fulfill the duty of safety protection”, Research on Rule of Law, No.4,2020)

    • 《论消费者保护法上的履行欺诈》,《南大法学》2020年第3期(”On Fraud in Performance in Consumer Protection Law”, Nanjing University Law Journal, No.3,2020.)

    • Bachelor of Management, Nanjing University

    • LL.M., The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • J.M. and J.D., Peking University School of Transnational Law

    • Ph.D., Peking University

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