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2024-12-24 Views: 48
State of STL (2024)
Peking University STL
Shenzhen, China
Mark Feldman
December 14, 2024
Distinguished guests, STL colleagues and students, welcome to State of STL 2024.
In 2023, we launched two annual events that have further advanced our mission and contributed to our sense of community.
The first event, held in October each year, marks STL’s Anniversary by celebrating STL’s “birthday” – October 22; it was on that day, in 2008, that STL’s Dedication Ceremony was held.
The second event, held in December each year, is our State of STL event.
The State of STL event, like STL itself, is, of course, unique.
I would first like to extend special thanks to all STL staff, led by Dean Kim, Zhong Xiaojin, and to STL’s Student Union, led by Zhang Yue, for the essential role they have played in planning this year’s State of STL event; indeed in making this event possible.
It is mid-December, a festive time, and a festive evening.
We have much to celebrate.
But we also have to face, and respond to, the reality of a challenging legal market.
Notwithstanding current economic challenges, the performance, in terms of placement, of our Class of 2024 graduates has been exceptionally strong.
Our 2024 Commencement was quite memorable, with hundreds of family members and friends attending and featuring an engaging keynote address by Xie Chenyang, Vice President and Chief Legal Officer at Foxconn; STL Professor Thomas Man played a key role in organizing the keynote address by Dr. Xie.
Over the past few years, STL students – including members of the Class of 2024 – have faced a challenging legal market, which has required a significant pivot. But that pivot has been quite successful.
Two months after graduation, the overall employment rate for our Class of 2024 was nearly 100%, with graduates working in a variety of settings, including law firms (22%), SOEs (33%), government and other public interest (30%), business and industry (12%), and further studies (3%).
Our placement record was balanced not only in terms of economic sector, but also in terms of geography. From the Class of 2024, a similar number of graduates now reside in Shenzhen (22%), Beijing (21%), and Shanghai (18%), with 31% residing in other cities in mainland China.
Regarding STL alumni more generally, STL’s Alumni Association has had a recent change in leadership, with the first president, Zhou Bin, stepping down after many years of service, and Gu Dai taking over as the new Alumni Association president.
Zhou Bin currently works at the Shenzhen Justice Bureau and is the first person to commit to making a monthly donation – with 29 consecutive monthly donations since August 2022 - to the “Alumni Love Fund” (校友爱心基金), which supports PKUSZ alumni and their families.
Gu Dai, in addition to taking over as Alumni Association president, has just published Valuation Adjustment Mechanism Trap? Share Repurchase and Performance Compensation under Judicial Judgments with Peking University Press.
Total membership in the second STL Alumni Association Council includes 52 alumni working throughout China and the world.
In addition to many alumni joining the State of STL event here tonight, we also have alumni gathered this evening in Beijing – I have heard that about 120 alumni in total are expected.
Our time today is limited, of course, but I would highlight a few additional, and extraordinary, 2024 alumni achievements.
Yi Weiming and Wang Ru participated as members of the China delegation in World Trade Organization (WTO) e-commerce negotiations held in Geneva, Switzerland.
Liang Shaoqing has been appointed Governor of Jinchuan District, Jinchang City in Gansu Province.
Jolie Guo founded and serves as CEO of “LexMoot”, an international moot competition platform.
Han Wu was recognized in the practice area of cybersecurity and data protection by ALB (China Top 15) and Chambers and Partners (Greater China Region).
Zhang Haomiao was recognized in the practice area of intellectual property by Legal Band (Top 15 Recommended Lawyers in China (Gaming and E-sports); Client’s Choice: Top 15 Rising Partners).
Wang Ying was promoted to Partner at Fangda Partners.
Yao Peng, together with three other partners and over 40 staff members, have moved from Tashan Consulting to Guangdong Chongli Law Firm, working in the area of securities compliance and ESG.
And, breaking news, Liu Shujie, Legal Head at Smoore International, has just been included on the Legal 500 GC Power List: China 2024.
The energy, commitment and achievements of our alumni reflect the enormously successful efforts of our Office of Career Service, Alumni Affairs and Development, which is led by Dean Charly, Zhang Chenli, and Assistant Director Sophie Wang.
Those efforts have been complimented by the ambitious expansion of STL’s externship program, under the leadership of STL’s Director of Externships, Carrie Feng.
In addition to our alumni achievements, the achievements in 2024 of our current students are just as noteworthy.
STL students have revived the student-run STL Law Review, which was founded in 2011. The initial run of the STL Law Review included five issues and fifty-five publications, with more than 100 STL students serving as editors.
The launch of the second run of the STL Law Review has been led by Co-Editors-in-Chief Shu Xi and Zeng Yuhang, Executive Editors Sun Fanshu and Li Jieran, and, as faculty advisors, Susan Finder, Pu Jinke and Tessie Tian. The Law Review leadership has assembled an editorial team composed of eleven 2L students, eight 3L students and three 4L students.
The upcoming issue of the Law Review, with a featured topic of inheritance of family wealth, is scheduled for publication in Spring 2025.
Congratulations to the Law Review team on this impressive and important initiative.
A related, but faculty-run, initiative is the launch of the Peking University Legal Education Review (北大法学小课堂).
Jointly established by Peking University Law School and STL, with PKU Law School Associate Dean Liu Zhewei and STL Associate Dean Mao Shaowei jointly serving as executive editors-in-chief, the inaugural issue was just published this month. Six STL students are serving as editors for the Legal Education Review, with STL alum and current CVSL Lu Qing playing a key role in the overall development of the initiative.
The inaugural issue features contributions from many STL faculty, including Dean Mao, Prof. Hong Kuokseng, Prof. Liu Yue, Prof. Qiu Xiaoya, Prof. Cao Fei, Prof. Huang Hui, Prof. Wu Yifeng, Prof. Wu Yuhao and Prof. Zhu Qingyu.
Returning to student highlights, STL’s Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) has been quite active in 2024.
This year’s PILF auction, held in May under the leadership of President Zheng Kewen and Vice Presidents Fu Kaixin, Luo Senhan, Lin Junjie, and Chen Ruyue, was quite a success.
A few weeks ago, PILF, under the leadership of President Zhang Zhifan and Vice President Fu Kaixin, held another impressive event, focused on capacity building for a new generation of Greater Bay Area lawyers.
And just this week, PILF has been named one of the top 10 student organizations at Peking University. Top 10 in all of PKU. Just an amazing recognition. Congratulations.
STL students have also demonstrated leadership and commitment to excellence in international moot competitions this year.
STL’s Stetson International Environmental Moot Court team, after winning the East Asian Regional Rounds, went on to the quarterfinals in the International Finals, with An Chenglong winning Best Oralist. Congratulations to An Chenglong, Sun Chen, Wu Lin and Yang Yiqing.
In the 13th China WTO Moot Court Competition, STL’s team won First Prize. Congratulations to Chen Zehao, Wang Shiyu and Yang Yudie.
STL’s team won Second Prize in the 2024 Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot (“FDI Moot”) and advanced to the global round of the competition. Li Haoyuan, Shu Xi and Wei Tianshu received Best Advocate recognition in the China round, with Shu Xi ultimately receiving top 50 global advocate recognition. Congratulations to team members Yang Liuqing, Li Haoyuan, Wei Tianshu and Shu Xi.
STL’s team won Second Prize in the 15th Leiden-Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition. Congratulations to Li Chaoqun, Li Kexin, Liu Qinyi and Ye Zixin.
STL’s team won Second Prize in the 22nd Chinese Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, with Li Jieran and Liu Zheng earning Best Oralist recognition. Congratulations to Huang Bowen, Peng Xinyi, Li Jieran and Liu Zheng.
STL’s team won Second Prize at Moot Shanghai 2024; the same team competed in the Vis Moot, with Luo Hanyu earning the Martin Domke Award (Honorable Mention for Best Oralist). Congratulations to Liu Wenjia, Peng Junkai, Sun Fanshu and Luo Hanyu.
STL’s team won Second Prize in the CIETAC Cup; He Aidi, Zhang Yeye and Xue Yuandi earned Best Oralist recognition, with He Aidi winning First Place Best Individual Oralist. Congratulations to Yan Yingshan, Zhang Yeye, Xue Yuandi and He Aidi.
STL also competed in the Vis East Moot, with Chen Zhuo winning the Neil T. Kaplan Award (Best Oral Advocate in the general rounds). Congratulations to Li Xuechen, Tang Yue, Zhang Shiyang and Chen Zhuo.
STL’s team won Third Prize in the 18th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot. Congratulations to Chen Yuqing, Chen Sihan, Hu Jiayao and Feng Jiashuo.
STL’s team was Second Runner-up in the Eleventh Chinese National Round of the ICC Moot Court Competition. Congratulations to He Zixuan, Wu Mingming and Zhang Junyi.
Such an extraordinary level of success is, of course, a team effort, starting with STL’s Director of Moot Court Competitions, Qiu Xiaoya.
Many STL faculty provide informal support to our moot teams throughout the year; I would highlight in particular the substantial support that has been provided by Christian Pangilinan, Kevin Gray, Cole Agar, Jiang Zichen, Soterios Loizou, Wang Ding, and Xu Ruixiang.
STL’s Legal Analysis, Writing, and Research (LAWR) program, led by Director Jiang Zichen, also plays an essential role in developing the legal research, writing and advocacy skills of STL students, including of course the many STL students who compete in moot competitions.
More generally, our unique JD/JM program develops the sophisticated analytical reasoning skills and creativity that are essential for success in moot competitions. Our Academic Affairs team, led by Director Leo Liu and including Wang Yangyang, Du Yating, and Shen Yinan, ensure that our ambitious program continues to succeed.
Success also requires attracting the very best students. Our admissions and communications teams play an essential role in that effort, of course. Here I would highlight, on admissions, Associate Dean Keru Chen, Assistant Dean Kim Zhong, and Assistant Director Tan Peihua, and on communications, Dean Zhong and Liu Yili.
On communications in particular, I should mention STL’s updated website, which looks amazing and has required months of careful planning, in particular by Dean Zhong and Liu Yili.
Success requires not only attracting the best students, but also ensuring that they are in the best possible position to perform at the highest levels during their time here.
The development of a world-class law library is part of that effort, of course. Our Law Library team – Consulting Director Kara Phillips, Associate Director Tessie Tian, and Senior Officer Lin Lin – have, in 2024, added core electronic databases, upgraded equipment, and organized a wide range of events, promotions, and training sessions. These initiatives are equally important for students and faculty; thank you to Kara, Tessie, and Lin.
Performing at the highest levels also requires close attention to maintaining good health, broadly understood, including both physical and mental health, ensuring that time spent outside the classroom and outside the building is active, enriching and memorable.
On this point, I would highlight the great work of our Senior Officers of Student Affairs, Kelu Zeng and Jeff Xu.
Our LLM students have also been enjoying success in a variety of settings, and here I would highlight in particular many recent placements at institutions in China.
Christian Martinengo, from Italy, has worked in the Guangzhou office of Wang Jing & GH Law Firm.
Kivia Ribeiro, from Brazil, has worked in the Qianhai office of ZLF Law Office.
Aleksandr Iarkin, from Russia, has worked in the Shenzhen office of REIZ Law Firm.
Ebuka Nkenke, from Nigeria, has worked in the Shenzhen office of PalmPay.
Kim Choo Yong, from Korea, has worked in the Shenzhen office of Guangdong Liangma Law firm.
I also would highlight two LLM students who have founded their own company: Jeemyung Hong, from Korea, and Kevin Yuk, from Hong Kong, have founded LeVeLeR, which provides a variety of services for international business clients, including compliance and dispute resolution services.
Congratulations to STL’s Director of Graduate and International Programs, Cole Agar, and STL’s Senior Officer of International Programs, Du Yating, for terrific work in advancing STL’s LLM program.
I would now turn to our faculty.
I would begin with new faculty, in particular the five new resident faculty, from five jurisdictions, who are joining STL this academic year.
Fernando Dias Simoes, from Portugal, works in the areas of international economic law and international dispute resolution.
Kevin Gray, from Canada, works in the areas of transnational law, litigation and legal theory.
Huang Xinyu, from China, works in the areas of Chinese legal history and comparative legal history.
Fernando Bracaccini, from Argentina, works in the areas of criminal law and legal theory.
Gregory Gordon, from the United States, works in the areas of international criminal law and human rights.
These five new additions to our resident faculty will bring an extraordinary amount of talent and energy to our program.
Bringing new faculty – particularly international faculty – to STL also requires an incredible amount of logistical support. Our faculty support team – Wang Wei, Constance Zhu, and Zheng Jianan – are the best. On this point, I should also mention Mona – Yang Wenbo – who moved to Beijing a few months ago; we miss her very much.
I would now highlight some key accomplishments by our resident faculty in 2024.
In September, STL hosted an International Workshop on Comparative AI Law, organized by Peking University Law School Prof. Dai Xin and STL resident faculty members Prof. Emanuel Towfigh and Prof. Gilad Abiri.
The workshop featured participation by many Peking University Law School and STL faculty members, as well as faculty from top universities in China and around the world.
Participating faculty from PKU Law School included Prof. Bian Renjun, Prof. Hu Ling and Prof. Zuo Yilu. Participating faculty from STL included Prof. Ray Campbell, Prof. Danny Friedmann, Prof. Huang Xinyu, Prof. Sang Yop Kang, Prof. Li Yang, Prof. Mao Shaowei, Prof. Liav Orgad, Prof. Qiu Xiaoya, and Prof. Wu Yifeng.
In October, as one of STL’s “birthday” events to celebrate the school’s 16th Anniversary, Prof. Huang Hui, in her capacity as Director of the PKUSZ Center for Regional and International Law Studies (CRILS), organized a launch event focused on Foreign-Related Rule of Law and Construction of a Judicial Case Base.
The event featured participation by senior leadership from the Supreme People’s Court and PKUSZ and by distinguished scholars from top universities in China.
CRILS will be also be launching a Regional and International Law Lecture Series, building a global network of scholars and practitioners working in the area of foreign-related law, and would welcome participation by STL alumni.
A few weeks ago, Prof. Nitzan Shilon organized a symposium at STL on China’s Sweeping Corporate Law Reform. The event featured, respectively, a leading founder (Song Chao), economist (Wang Dan), scholar (Wang Jun), and practitioner (Liu Xiaoping), two of whom (Song Chao and Liu Xiaoping) are STL alumni.
In September, Dean Emeritus Philip McConnaughay and Prof. Asif Qureshi attended a reception in Beijing for foreign experts, celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
In 2024, Prof. Mao Shaowei was elected Executive Director of the Shenzhen Law Society and Prof. Cao Fei and STL alumni Xie Ying were elected as Directors of the Shenzhen Law Society.
Prof. Sang Yop Kang published Unveiling Misconceptions of Tunneling: Market Capitalization-Based Analysis in the Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review (2024).
Prof. Gilad Abiri participated in a panel discussion on artificial intelligence, chaired by Peking University Law School Professor Dai Xin, at the 2024 Beijing Forum.
Prof. Ray Campbell presented on the use of AI in courts worldwide at Kuwait International University’s Conference on AI and Law.
Prof. Stephen Minas delivered a keynote speech at the United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub’s Eighth Systemic Innovation Workshop, which was held in Shenzhen. Prof. Minas delivered the keynote in his capacity as the Vice Chair of the UN Climate Technology Centre & Network Advisory Board.
Prof. Norman Ho taught a course on Traditional Chinese Legal Thought at the National University of Singapore.
Prof. Joy Xiang presented on “Going Green: Navigating IP Law in Times of Global Challenges and Sustainability Transitions” at the American Society of International Law.
Prof. Hong Kuokseng published The Mental Damage Compensation System of the Civil Code – From the Perspective of Functionalism (“民法典的精神损害赔偿体系——以功能主义为视角”) in the Journal of Legal Studies.
Prof. Susan Finder presented on how the Supreme People’s Court supports the national strategy of developing “foreign-related rule of law” at law schools and research institutes at Nanjing University and Fudan University.
Prof. Danny Friedmann published Creation and Generation Copyright Standards in the New York University Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law (2024).
Prof. Huang Xinyu published The Sale of Offices, Corruption, and Formalization: A Comparative Study of China and France in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Asian Journal of Law and Society (2024).
Prof. Wu Yifeng published On the Assumption and Exclusion of Liability Insurance Defense Costs: From the Perspective of Liability Determination Costs, Analysis of Article 66 of the Insurance Law (论责任保险抗辩费用的承担与排除——以责任确定成本视角展开的)《保险法》第 66 条分析 ) in Politics and Law, No. 9, 2024.
Prof. Andrew Kerr published Bad Attempts in the Emory Law Journal Online (2024) .
Prof. Fernando Dias Simoes presented on “Partial Solar Eclipse: Distributive Injustice in Renewable Energy Investments” at the International Conference on Distributive Justice in International Law at LUISS University in Rome, Italy.
Prof. Kevin Gray presented on “The Non-Protection of Indigenous Rights in ISDS” at Columbia Law School.
I had aimed to limit my remarks today to 25 minutes. On that point, I probably have not succeeded. But the fact that it is a challenge to limit this talk to 25 minutes is, of course, an encouraging sign regarding the overall state of STL.
Every day, we are contributing so much, inside the building and outside the building, inside China and around the world. We are, almost by definition, creative, ambitious, open-minded and curious. We innovate and we lead. Let’s continue to set the pace. Let’s continue to anticipate and shape the future.
November 11, 2024
October 28, 2024
January 15, 2025
January 06, 2025
January 06, 2025