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我院Norman P. Ho教授受邀参加法律和宪法历史学术讨论会并发表主题演讲

Professor Norman P. Ho was the invited presenter for the November 25, 2015 session of the Legal and Constitutional History Colloquium at New York University (NYU) School of Law, where he presented his paper, “The Legal Thought of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.” The Legal and Constitutional History Colloquium, co-convened by Professors William E. Nelson and John P. Reid, is the oldest of NYU Law’s various colloquia, which are generally organized as weekly workshops/seminars where speakers from around the U.S. and the world are invited to present papers and works in progress. Invited presenters in the Legal and Constitutional History Colloquium in the Fall 2015 semester have included legal historians Morton Horwitz (Harvard Law School), Sir John Baker (Cambridge), and Sarah B. Gordon (University of Pennsylvania).

Professor Ho is a scholar of Chinese legal history (from Chinese antiquity up to the 12th century A.D.), legal philosophy, Chinese law, and comparative corporate law.

Professor Norman P. Ho with NYU Law Professor William E. Nelson, co-organizer of the prestigious NYU Legal and Constitutional History Colloquium

上一条:我院学生团队喜获“第十三届贸仲杯国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁庭辩论赛”第三名 下一条:我院McConnaughay院长参加亚洲法律研究所专题讨论会并发表演讲
