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Philip J. McConnaughay院长在国际法学院2022届毕业典礼上的致辞

STL DeanPhilip McConnaughay

北京大学国际法学院院长Philip McConnaughayWelcome, everyone, to STL’seleventhCommencement Ceremony. Welcome to all of our graduates, faculty and staff able to attend in person, and welcome to all of our graduates, family and friends who are joining us remotely.


Wherever you might be, we are coming together today to recognize the extraordinary achievement of the124studentsfrom23different China Provinces who have successfully completed the world’s only American Law Juris Doctor, China Law Juris Master dual degree program, much of it in English and all of it extremely rigorous and demanding. This is an academic and professional achievement only a few may claim.

无论你身在何方,今天我们齐聚一堂,一同庆贺来自中国23个省市的124名毕业生们取得的非凡成就。祝贺他们顺利完成了世界上唯一融合普通法Juris Doctor(J.D.)与中国法法律硕士(J.M.)的双学位项目。这份成就的背后是大部分的全英课程,以及严标准、高要求的培养模式。这是少数人才能取得的学术和专业成就。

We also are recognizingfour LL.M. graduatestoday, lawyers from Egypt, Kenya, Malaysia, and Slovakia, who enrolled in STL for an advanced degree in law.


In addition to the tremendous achievement of earning your degrees, each of you also has had several additional accomplishments during your years at STL. These accomplishments are especially notable given that so much of your time at STL has occurred during a worldwide pandemic.


Several of youwere members of Prize Winning teams that represented STL in Moot Court competitions worldwide. The competitions included the Jessup International Moot, the Vis East Moot, the Red Cross International Humanitarian Moot, the John Jackson WTO Moot, the CIETAC International Arbitration Moot, the International Criminal Court Moot, and the Asia Pacific Mergers & Acquisitions Simulation. Several STL team members distinguished themselves as best Oralists in these competitions.

你们中有代表学院参加全球模拟法庭竞赛的获奖团队成员。这些竞赛包括杰赛普国际法模拟法庭、Vis(East)国际商事仲裁模拟仲裁庭、红十字国际人道法模拟法庭、John Jackson WTO模拟法庭、“贸仲杯”国际投资仲裁模拟法庭、国际刑事法院模拟法庭、亚太地区企业并购模拟竞赛。有的选手在比赛中脱颖而出,斩获“最佳辩手”。

Your multiple externships included working with the Supreme People’s Court in Beijing, the First Circuit of Supreme People’s Court here in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court, the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, CIETAC in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Government, and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.


Many of you served in the fight against Covid-19 as volunteers on campus and in your home communities.


And despite the pandemic, one of you still managed to study abroad at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium.

尽管疫情肆虐,你们当中仍有一位毕业生,顺利完成了在比利时鲁汶天主教大学(Université catholique de Louvain)的交换项目。

Andallof you are leaving STL for positions of leadership that will serve you, our law school, your families, and China extremely well — (i) as lawyers with leading law firms, companies, State-Owned Enterprises, and highly selective government offices; (ii) as law clerks with important courts and tribunals in China and abroad; and (iii) as post-doctoral students at some of the world’s leading universities.


All of you are now members of an elite group of lawyers and professionals with (i) the capacity to accurately analyze the most complex commercial, social and policy challenges, (ii) the ability to advocate effectively on behalf of your clients, students, and others you may represent; and (iii) the ability to create, propose and achieve solutions that are fair and equitable and that enable the continuation of productive and peaceful relationships going forward.


You, and your fellow STL graduates before you, are setting new standards of professionalism for the Chinese legal profession. All other lawyers in China look to you as examples of lawyers and professionals (i) whose honesty never falters, (ii) whose adherence to the highest ethical standards never fails, (iii) whose fidelity to the interests you represent is unmatched, and (iv) who are respected for their civility.


It is your individual responsibility, to yourselves, to your clients, to your families, and to your law school, to live up to these expectations. These are the attributes that will account for your professional reputation. The example you set will be one of your greatest contributions to China, and to STL.


Congratulations on your graduation and on all of your extraordinary achievements.


I wish you all the best for the future, I hope to see you again at STL, and congratulations again on your many remarkable achievements.

祝你们未来一切顺利,愿在 STL 与你们再会,再次祝贺你们取得的卓越成就!

上一条:黄卉教授在国际法学院2022届毕业典礼上的致辞 下一条:北京大学校务委员会副主任、原副校长海闻教授在国际法学院2022届毕业典礼上的致辞
