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  • 1. Yi Lu, Revisiting the role of media in risk communication—A case study on China in the COVID-19 crisis, Conference papers on Current Legal Issues in the Coronavirus Period (2020).

    2. Yi Lu, Critical Thinking about the Precautionary Principle in China’s Food Safety Law, 11(4) Frontiers of Law in China, 692-717 (2016).

    3. Yi Lu, Challenges in China-ASEAN Food Safety Cooperation Governance Through Soft Law, 1 Peking U. Transnat'l L. Rev. 141-155 (2015).

    4. Yi Lu, Exploring Aggressive Legalism: Is Now A Good Time to Promote This Approach in Greater Asia?, 6(1) Asian Journal of Law and Economics 85-123 (2015).

    5. Yi Lu, On Mainland-Macau Food Safety Cooperation under the ‘One Country Two Systems’ Policy-And Improvement of National Governance Capability. (论在“一国两制”背景下如何促进内地与澳门的食品安全合作——兼论国家治理能力的提升). The paper was awarded Excellent Paper jointly by the China Law Society and the Macau Basic Law Promotion Association at the 2014 Cross-strait Youth Forum on Legal Development. 该文荣获中国法学会和澳门基本法推广会主办的2014年两岸四地法治发展青年论坛优秀奖。

    6. Yi Lu, To Be an Aggressive but Patient Learner—Analysis of China’s Participation in Defending Anti-Dumping Challenges within the WTO Framework, 1 Peking U. Transnat'l L. Rev. 373-419 (2013).

    7. Francis Snyder, Yi Lu & Gulrez Yazdani, Traditional Chinese Medicine and European Union Law: Cultural Logics, Product Identities, Market Competition, Legal Rechanneling, and the Need for Global Legal and Medical Pluralism, 2(1) Peking U. L. J. 130-200 (2014).

    8. Francis Snyder & Yi Lu, Transnational Law and the EU: Reflections from WISH in China, 19(6) E.L.J., 705–10 (2013).

    9. Francis Snyder & Yi Lu (eds.), The Future of Transnational Law: EU, USA, China and the BRICS/Le Futur du Droit Transnational: L’Union Européenne, Les États-Unis, La Chine et Les BRICS (9th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH)/9ème Rencontre Internationale des Jeunes Chercheurs (RIJC)) (Bruylant Publishers, Brussels, 2014).

  • 1. Yi Lu, Revisiting the role of media in risk communication—A case study on China in the COVID-19 crisis, Conference papers on Current Legal Issues in the Coronavirus Period (2020).

    2. Yi Lu, Critical Thinking about the Precautionary Principle in China’s Food Safety Law, 11(4) Frontiers of Law in China, 692-717 (2016).

    3. Yi Lu, Challenges in China-ASEAN Food Safety Cooperation Governance Through Soft Law, 1 Peking U. Transnat'l L. Rev. 141-155 (2015).

    4. Yi Lu, Exploring Aggressive Legalism: Is Now A Good Time to Promote This Approach in Greater Asia?, 6(1) Asian Journal of Law and Economics 85-123 (2015).

    5. Yi Lu, On Mainland-Macau Food Safety Cooperation under the ‘One Country Two Systems’ Policy-And Improvement of National Governance Capability. (论在“一国两制”背景下如何促进内地与澳门的食品安全合作——兼论国家治理能力的提升). The paper was awarded Excellent Paper jointly by the China Law Society and the Macau Basic Law Promotion Association at the 2014 Cross-strait Youth Forum on Legal Development. 该文荣获中国法学会和澳门基本法推广会主办的2014年两岸四地法治发展青年论坛优秀奖。

    6. Yi Lu, To Be an Aggressive but Patient Learner—Analysis of China’s Participation in Defending Anti-Dumping Challenges within the WTO Framework, 1 Peking U. Transnat'l L. Rev. 373-419 (2013).

    7. Francis Snyder, Yi Lu & Gulrez Yazdani, Traditional Chinese Medicine and European Union Law: Cultural Logics, Product Identities, Market Competition, Legal Rechanneling, and the Need for Global Legal and Medical Pluralism, 2(1) Peking U. L. J. 130-200 (2014).

    8. Francis Snyder & Yi Lu, Transnational Law and the EU: Reflections from WISH in China, 19(6) E.L.J., 705–10 (2013).

    9. Francis Snyder & Yi Lu (eds.), The Future of Transnational Law: EU, USA, China and the BRICS/Le Futur du Droit Transnational: L’Union Européenne, Les États-Unis, La Chine et Les BRICS (9th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH)/9ème Rencontre Internationale des Jeunes Chercheurs (RIJC)) (Bruylant Publishers, Brussels, 2014).

    • J.S.D. 耶鲁大学法学院

    • LL.M. 耶鲁大学法学院

    • J.D. 北京大学国际法学院

    • 法律硕士 北京大学国际法学院

    • 经济学学士 天津财经大学

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