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Opening Remarks: Prof. Mark Feldman, Interim Dean of Peking University School of Transnational Law

STL 2024 Commencement

STL 2024毕业典礼

Shenzhen, China


Opening Remarks


The STL Experience Mark Feldman* May 25, 2024

STL Founding Dean Jeffrey Lehman, Dr. Xie Chenyang, STL faculty, staff and senior administrator colleagues, members of the STL Class of 2024 and guests, it is an honor to open the 2024 STL Commencement ceremony.



Congratulations to the PKU STL Class of 2024. For our JD/JM graduates, you also might be seen as the PKU STL entering Class of 2020.

祝贺北京大学国际法学院的2024届毕业生。对于我们的JD/JM毕业生,你们也可以被看作是STL 2020年入学的一批学生。

2020 and 2024. Those are, for a law school experience, two noteworthy bookends.For our JD/JM graduates, you started at STL in the summer of 2020, during the depths of a pandemic. You are graduating in the spring of 2024, entering a challenging legal market.


I met many of you virtually in the fall of 2020, and then met many of you in person in March of 2021, in the classroom. In March of 2021, classroomsaroundthe world generally were not open for business. But ours was.


My travel, in early 2021, from the United States to room 301 of the STL Building was, let’s just say, a challenge. But the scale of that challenge made the experience in the classroom, at least for me, more memorable and electric.


You all faced serious challenges throughout the pandemic, and now face a seriously challenging job market. But your STL experience, since August 2020, has been genuine and full. And your STL experience has prepared you for that challenging market.


August 2020. Just think, for a moment, about August 2020. The NBA’s “bubble” season had just launched. Taylor Swift had just released Folklore. We would soon meet, through a viral TikTok video, a man on a skateboard, drinking cranberry juice, singing Fleetwood Mac.

回想一下,2020年8月发生了什么。NBA的“泡泡”(封闭的园区)赛季刚刚启动。泰勒·斯威夫特新发布了《Folklore》。不久之后,通过一段爆火的TikTok视频,我们认识了一位滑板上的男人(美国37岁的仓库管理员Nathan Apodaca),他喝着蔓越莓汁,唱着Fleetwood Mac的歌。

Think, for a moment, about how much you have lived, how much you have experienced, since August 2020. A good part of that experience has been your STL experience.


There have been deadlines, moot court competitions, study groups, case briefs, internships, covid measures, recommendation letters, PILF auctions. There has been anxiety, excitement and resilience. All of it has been memorable, and all of it has been STL.


Over the past few weeks, I have participated in STL roadshows in Chongqing, Chengdu and Guangzhou. At these roadshows, as many ofyou know from direct experience, students often ask questions about the STL admissions process, STL expectations, and the STL experience.


At these roadshows, I’m often asked about the kind of students STL is looking for. There are many different good answers to that question, of course. One answer that I could offer, and that I have offered, is that we are looking for motivation, we are looking for passion, we are looking for a sense of connection.


The STL experience is unique, powerful, memorable, at times overwhelming, and certainly not for everyone.


But if the STL experience is for you, if you connect with us immediately, I suspect that you would not feel such a sense of connection with any other institution, anywhere. This is, at least in my view, what we are looking for.


And for our graduates, I hope that every one of you feels that kind of connection today.


For our LLM graduates, you are, in a sense, early adopters. You recognized the value of studying law at Peking University, deepening your China networks, experiencing China as it exists in reality.


Professor Jia Qingguo, who is based at Peking University’s School of International Studies, recently observed that the number of US students studying in China has declined by more than 90%.


Although the decline in US student engagement with China might be somewhat extreme, it does reflect a larger, concerning trend with respect to overall declines in international studentengagement.


But the opening of borders, the loosening of visa requirements, and the sharp increase ininternational events hosted in China almost certainly will lead to a reversal in that trend, at least to some extent.


We certainly hope that our LLM graduates can contribute to such advances in international engagement by sharing details of their experiences with friends and colleaguesabroad.


To our JD/JM graduates, to our LLM graduates, congratulations. You are joining a formidable network of more than 1,000 STL graduates who are influencing the development of transnational law, international business and international policy at the highest levels.


* Interim Dean and Professor of Law, Peking University School of TransnationalLaw.

上一条:Edward Alexy: LLM Graduate
