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Dean Philip McConnaughay officially welcomed students to STL during orientation on August 14-16. “Your time at STL will provide you with a deep understanding of the law of China, America, and the EU, and with the superior analytical and advocacy skills essential to cross-cultural and transnational exchange. This is why STL graduates are in such high demand by China’s and the world’s leading law firms, government agencies, NGOs and companies. This also is why STL graduates are tomorrow’s leaders,” said Dean McConnaughay in his welcome to new students.

“通过在STL学习你们将会对中国法、美国法和欧盟法有深入理解,并且锻炼出出色的分析和辩护能力,这些对跨文化和跨国交际是至关重要的。这是中外顶尖律所、政府机构、非营利性组织和企业争相录用STL毕业生的原因,也是STL毕业生终将引领未来的原因。” Philip McConnaughay院长在迎新致辞中说到。


上一条:Francis Snyder教授作为教师代表在北大深研院开学典礼上发表讲话 下一条:北京大学国际法学院首届公益法律拍卖晚会年成功举办
