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LI Yuning: JD/JM Graduate

A Cautious but Ambitious Hope


Yuning Li

(Speech Originally Delivered in English)

Distinguished guests, faculties and staff, families and friends, and my dear fellow graduates! I am Li Yuning. I am honored to speak to you today as we celebrate the commencement of STL Class of 2024. Four years, according to an influential article authored by Dean Mao Shaowei, is indeed “notoriously” long. Hopefully the “notorious” disclaimer was not intended as an assumption-of-risk defense.


A question has been asked and shall be answered today. What is the mission for a legal startup called STL and what is the mission for a group of Shenzhen-based legal innovators who teach and study both common and civil laws called STLers? The question was asked to Dean Jeff Lehman and Dean Hai Wen when they established an international J.D. program from scratch sixteen years ago. The question was asked to scholars, practitioners, and guest speakers across the nation and the world who devote themselves to teaching, speaking, and sharing their insights at STL. The question was also asked to students and peers when we go to interviews, conferences, or even happy hours.

一个问题常常被提出,而今天必将得到解答。一个名为STL的“初创企业”和一群在深圳同时讲授学习美国法和中国法的“创业者”的使命是什么?当Jeffrey Lehman院长和海闻院长16年前从零开始,建立起一个国际J.D.项目时就被问道这个问题。当世界各地五湖四海的学者、律师、嘉宾来到STL投身于教学、演讲、经验分享时也会被问到这个问题。而我们也常常被问到这个问题,无论是参加职业面试,交流活动,甚至是“欢乐时光”。

Here is my prompt to help generate some answers. STL represents a cautious but ambitious hope towards the legal profession, the legal system, and the transnational legal order. We clearly understand that our lives are anything but forever, but we still choose to accompany each other four years as students, and even over a decade as professors, not because we are stagnating in a comfort zone, but because we believe the world deserves something better and we have something better to offer.


I vividly recall my mixed feelings when I was drafting a moot U.S. Supreme Court opinion on the Appellate Decision-Making Seminar, where we discussed a significant case on the state-secrets doctrine then on appeal in the Supreme Court. Should foreign relations and national security issues receive exceptional treatment before the Court? How should the Court hold the executive accountable while refraining from encroaching the executive for doing its job?


We understand that there might be well-intentioned people making reasonable but different arguments, legitimately disagreeing with each other. The cautious but ambitious hope ignited by STL is that we realize that many sociolegal issues are not a binary right-or-wrong, us-or-them zero-sum game. Rather, we believe in proactive optimism rather than reactive cynicism; we habitually refrain from finger-pointing before issue-assessing; and we work hard to build bridges, not barriers.


Let me be clear. STL does not represent blind or naïve optimism, where the world is free of injustices and challenges will go away if we just ignore them, be it the eroding civility norms, the growing epistemic divide, the increasing absence of effective multilateralism, or the looming danger of not race-to-the-top, but race-to-the-bottom. These injustices or challenges could be deeply personal. Some of us may worry about career plans amid business uncertainties and disruptive technologies. Some may fear of an invisible but formidable ceiling not based on our performance or contribution, but based on our national origin, ethnicity, or gender. Some may be required to professionally navigate through disheartening dilemmas or be tempted with prizes over principles.


Fortunately, there are qualities that we adopted through STL. We adopt the resilient qualities of mind and compassionate qualities of heart amid storms, ours and others. There are skillsets that we learned through STL. We learn how to professionally analyze transnational legal issues and we don’t draw hasty conclusions before being fully familiar with the opposing arguments. And most importantly, we learn from each other; we thrive upon each other; and we ignite a shared hope along with each other, a hope of some Shenzhen-based innovative men and women that the world deserves something better and that we, as STLers, have something better to offer. Congratulations! Class of 2024!



Yuning Li. Municipal and PKU Outstanding Gradate. Research Assistant to Prof. Ray Campbell on Comparative Civil Procedure and to Prof. Gilad Abiri on Artificial Intelligence and Law. National First Prize Winner at Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court. National Scholarship Winner. Internship experience at the World Bank. Incoming LL.M. Candidate at Harvard Law School.

李宇宁,北京市、北京大学优秀毕业生,曾担任Prof. Ray Campbell关于比较民事诉讼法和Prof. Gilad Abiri关于法律与人工智能的科研助理,曾获全国杰赛普国际法模拟法庭比赛团队一等奖,曾获国家奖学金,曾在世界银行实习,即将前往哈佛大学法学院攻读LL.M.学位。

National Scholarship

Jessup International Law Moot Court National First Prize Winner

PKU-Jones Day Legal Talent Training Program Outstanding Graduate

USAI-Szymanski Rule-of-Law Fellow in Washington, DC

Incoming LL.M. student at Harvard Law School





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