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Ray Campbell


“Driven by forces as diverse as globalization and technological progress, the realm of legal services is going through profound and irreversible change. My research examines what these changes will mean for consumers, for practicing lawyers and for legal education. I try to share the implications of these changes with our students, who will live and practice in legal settings far different than any known before. My goal is to help make our students ready to be leaders in this new world.”

    • J.D.,弗吉尼亚大学

    • B.A., 耶鲁大学

    • 民事诉讼法

    • 法律职业道德

    • 跨文化谈判

  • 学术论文

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, Teaching U.S. Civil Procedure to Non-U.S. Students: Educating Students for a World of Legal Pluralism, forthcoming in Journal of Legal Education

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, Personal Jurisdiction and National Sovereignty, 77 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 97 (2020)

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, Artificial Intelligence in the Courtroom: The Delivery of Justice in the Age of Machine Learning, 18 Colo. Tech. L. J. 323 (2020)

    • Ray Worthy Campbell and Ellen Claar Campbell, The Evidence Discovery System in American Civil Litigation, China Review Of Administration of Justice, Volume 3, 2020 (July 2020). Zhang Fengming, Shen Lu, & Cao Qian Translators 美国民事诉讼之证据开示制度 [ ] ·沃西·坎贝尔 埃伦·克莱尔·坎贝尔 * 张凤鸣 ** Available at:

    • Ray Worthy Campbell and Ellen Claar Campbell, Clash of Systems: Discovery in U.S. Litigation Involving Chinese Defendants, 4 Peking U. Transnat’l L. Rev. 129 (2016).

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, All About the Information Substructure (book review of Richard Susskind and Daniel Susskind, The Future of Professions) (At

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, The Digital Future of the Oldest Information Profession, book chapter for Handbook of Research on Digital Transformations, F. Xavier Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu, ed. (Edward Elgar)

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, A Comparative Look at Lawyer Professionalism: Contrasting Search Engine Optimization, Lawyering & Law Teaching, 50 U.S.F. L. Rev. 401 ((2016)

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, The End of Law Schools: Legal Education in the Era of Legal Service Businesses, 85 Miss. L.J. 1 (2016)

    • Ray Worthy Campbell and Fu Yulin, Moving Target: The Regulation of Judges in China’s Rapidly Evolving Legal System, book chapter for Regulating Judges: Beyond Independence and Accountability (Edward Elgar).

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, Law School Disruption, 26 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 341 (2013)

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, Rethinking Regulation and Innovation in the U.S. Legal Services Market, 9 N.Y.U. J. Law & Bus. 1 (2012)

    • Ray Worthy Campbell, Getting a Clue: Two Stage Complaint Pleading as a Solution to the Conley-Iqbal Dilemma, 114 Penn St. L. Rev. 1191 (2010)


    • J.D.,弗吉尼亚大学

    • B.A., 耶鲁大学

  • 专访我院Ray Campbell教授——国法的线上教学实验

    Ray Campbell教授受邀参加人工智能与法律工作坊

    我院Ray Campbell教授受邀在2018 LexTech大会上发表演讲

    我院Ray Campbell 教授受邀出席2017LexTech大会并发表演讲

    我院Ray Campbell 教授在2017ALB深圳企业法律顾问峰会发表主题演讲

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