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曹斐: 北京大学国际法学院助理教授


Dear graduates, esteemed professors, guests, and parents:


Good morning!


It is a great honor for me to address today’s ceremony as faculty representative and witnessing the graduation of the 13th cohort of graduates of STL. As you embark on the next chapter of your lives, I want to extend my heartfelt wishes for your future endeavors.


In front of the STL Building, the blooming phoenix flowers at the intersection symbolize the graduation season. Last week, the exuberant flowers were still dancing to the sun; and this week, the petals are being knocked down by the endless rain, scattering all over the ground. Suddenly, the sense of an ending is brought into life.


Before being awarded your degrees, you must complete three challenges: (1) How to confidently make your professors understand your five-month thesis in five minutes; (2) How to keep the perfect smile while listening to every speech at the ceremony; (3) How to ensure your graduation cap stays securely in place while the Dean turns the tassel, capturing a perfect photo. And now you’re halfway through it.


Jokes aside, giving speech is clearly a challenge for me, especially with Dean Lehman’s wise words preceding mine. I am more accustomed to being a quiet companion as you grow at STL. At this solemn moment as we reflect affectionately on the past and look expectantly to the future, I can’t help but thinking what I should say to all of you. After mulling it over, I decided to, as always, share with you the importance of taking good care of yourselves.


Coincidentally, today is May 25th, a day that sounds like “I love myself” in Chinese, making it particularly suitable for caring for and rewarding yourself. These four years have been anything but easy. You had to meet academic requirements while dealing with the constantly changing external environment. Today, at your own graduation ceremony, you deserve the warmest applause for celebration and encouragement. The applause also goes to your parents, professors, and friends who have always cared for and supported you.


I also want to take this opportunity to formally and sincerely express my admiration for you—you might be the most special graduates STL has seen in recent years.


So, what makes you special?

特别在,2020年进校伊始,你们并没有复制以往STL 1L学生的剧本。当别的1L学生还埋头挣扎于绩点竞争,当老师们正在担心如何安抚线上教学可能会带来的落差感,你们已经把1L生活过得精彩纷呈,连STL大楼都呈现出建成以来最为活跃的模样。用现在流行的话说,你们的精神状况已经是next level。

You’re special because since you came here in 2020, you did not follow the script of previous 1L students. While other 1Ls were struggling with GPA competition, and professors were worried about the potential emotional gap brought by online teaching, you made your 1L life vibrant. Even the STL building started to take on a more vigorous look than ever since its construction. Your mental state was what people like to say now on the next level.


You’re special because you brought the word “diversity” to life. Diversity has always been advocated by STL. However, in the past few years, despite the fact that students came from different majors and backgrounds, influential student groups showed surprisingly similar development trajectories. Other students might have been swept into this competitive wave. But with you, you began to seriously consider what constitutes a good life and what kind of life you would want. The world suddenly became broader. Every day in law school itself is a test of intellect and perseverance. When you step outside classrooms, some of you tried to creat better study and discussion environments. Some organized various sports groups, and many more actively participated in public welfare activities, uniting the power of peers from sister colleges and universities to understand the society through various engagements and grow through mutual understanding and respect, injecting new vitality and vigor into STL.


The professors even began to study what caused these changes. It could be that your cohort is exceptionally talented, that the “slow mode” during the special period gave everyone more time to care for their inner selves, or the changes of campus management methods… Unfortunately, based on research ethics, we couldn’t set up a control group to test individual influencing factors.


The causes are unknowable, but the changes are indeed happening. In recent years, the PILF legal aid business has grown. The influence of the WeChat public account STL China Law has continuously increased. The “Sports Bureau” has helped everyone relieve stress through sweat, and various offline activities and surveys have spread STL’s philosophy to the education system and legal institutions in the Greater Bay Area. These are all valuable legacies you leave to STL.


Of course, these four years have also had truly difficult, confused, and perplexing moments. When it can’t be resolved by yourselves,, it is necessary to seek help from professors, family, and friends to whom you can express your anxiety, talk about your pain and the future so that you won’t be alone. Now, you are about to graduate and enter the job market, perhaps finally becoming what young people today call the “safe landing” group. So, are the anxieties and frustrations of the past truly gone?


Some of the problems that cause us anxiety are merely temporary and will go away over time and with the improvement of our abilities, like academic pressure and the headaches from finding internships, which now no longer seem significant. However, some problems will accompany us for a long time, such as how to cope with the risks brought by changes in the macro environment, how to maintain inner balance and satisfaction while pursuing career success, how to adhere to kindness and moral principles in a complex legal environment, and how to continuously update our knowledge and stay sharp in the face of new legal challenges. These questions rarely have definitive answers and require constant exploration. It is because these issues can trigger anxiety at any time that even if we have landed safely now with solid ground underfoot, it does not mean complete stability.


After all, no matter how vast the land is, in the end it always floats on the ocean. We don’t have a god’s-eye view and can’t know whether the “land” beneath our feet is a vast continent or just a small island. Therefore, we need to constantly reflect and review. When the tides of anxiety surge again, will I be able to handle it better this time?


For these confusions, I do not have the wisdom to provide solutions. I can only suggest that managing our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world might be helpful. And the following tips are worth trying.


First, always focus on the inner self in the face of change. As the famous poet Su Shi once wrote, though one cannot decide his professional assignments, he has complete control over his state of mind. Changes in the external world are difficult to control. But we can achieve inner completeness and mental peace through our own efforts. Understanding and accepting our limitations allows us to truly listen to our inner voice without being overwhelmed by external noise. As long as we hold dear our beliefs and goals, there is no need to pursue the lives defined by most people, nor do we need to care if such definition will change with the times.


Second, maintain openness and respect in the face of complexity. You’re able to love others only when you know how to love yourselves. Then you can build cooperation and relationships based on the genuine respect for others. While accepting youselves and pursuing individuality, you should respect others’ values and choices. I hope you can build healthy and positive relationships to counter the risks of complex systems. Also, remember to stay in touch with your alma mater and classmates. The experience at STL is not just four years of time and memories but a part of the fabric of your lives. The friendships and camaraderie you’ve fostered here will be steadfast support on your future paths.


Third, live a concrete life in the face of the virtual world. The digital age has permeated every aspect of our lives. AI technology indeed brings great convenience, and the virtual world can grant immense influence. However, in such an environment, I still want to remind everyone to take time to live a tangible life. What does living a tangible life mean? It means caring more about the people around us, having face-to-face interactions with family and friends, and building genuine emotional connections. Living a tangible life also means stepping out to appreciate nature’s beauty, discovering the richness and diversity of the real world. It includes doing practical things, no matter how small they seem. Cook a delicious meal, read a good book, mak small crafts by hand, or participate in charity—all these can bring meaning and satisfaction to daily life. As the ancient saying goes, those who continuously strive often succeed, and those who keep moving forward often reach their destination. Understanding the world requires personal experience. Ony by constantly breaking the information cocoons can we see a world that is not segmentary and distorted.


An educator once said, anyone who is taught is only half a person. My preaching ends here. I now hand you over to the society to “self-answer” and become complete individuals. May every future step be taken with conscience and confidence, and be followed by self-appreciation and content.


Finally, we Chinese like to send wind-related wishes to students when they graduate. Here, I’d like to toast to the eastern breeze, and let us enjoy the moment with ease. May the flowers come into richer blossoms in the coming year, and I look forward to sharing that with you here.

上一条:Keynote Speech: XIE Chenyang, VP/CLO of Foxconn Industrial Internet 下一条:Jeffrey S. Lehman: Founding Dean of Peking University School of Transnational Law
