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Keynote Speech: XIE Chenyang, VP/CLO of Foxconn Industrial Internet

Wow what a wonderful introduction! And thank you, Dean Mark Feldman and Professor Man, faculty, staff, and fellow recipients. It’s a true privilege to be here with you all today. I am deeply honored by your invitation!


Congratulations, Class 2024. What an incredible day, May 25th. Today holds special significance as the 145th day of the year and is recognized for several noteworthy occasions, including Africa Liberation Day, Argentine Revolution Day, World Stroke Prevention Day, and most importantly your graduation day. TODAY, YOU MADE IT! You’ve all worked very hard to get here. No one truly knows how you fought tooth and nail in your studies. Congratulations on your remarkable achievement!


Congratulations as well to parents, partners and family members of all the students, I can only imagine the pride and joy you must feel seeing your loved ones graduate from what I understandisthe best law school in this country and the world.


I consider it a privilege to have been asked to speak to you as you are about to embark on your journey into the world. My given name is “Chenyang,” which means the “morning sun”. I believe they chose me as the speaker because my name has a link with you, since every one of you, like the morning sun represents the hope and the future of our legal industry!


I must admit, I am a bit envious of how fortunate you are. You are here, and you are you!


You studied in one of the most dynamic cities in the world. Shenzhen has been the window of reform and opening up, showcasing a remarkable transformation over the past 40 years.With a staggering 40-fold increase in GDP, Shenzhen nurtures 420 listed companies as of 2024. Shenzhen also holds the title of the most innovative city in China. In 2023 alone, 17,161 international patents were made public, securing its position as the world’s second-

largest contributor. Here in Shenzhen, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.


And Peking University School of Transnational Law bridges you and the world. This unique institution was the first and only one in China to offer a dual JD and JM program, combining American legal education with China's traditional law curriculum. Your education here has further equipped you tonavigate the complexities of the legal landscape.


So, graduates, listen from this moment on, you are destined to be pioneers on the global legal stage!


2024 is a bad time and good time to live in. We face both challenges and opportunities.


It is an era of contradictions. Globalization has brought nations closer while also exacerbating divisions and inequalities.


It is an era of interconnection. Information flows freely across borders, connecting people and ideas like never before. This has fostered a sense of global citizenship and a shared awareness of the challenges we faced as humanity.


It is an era of uncertainty, with economic downturns making our lives more challenging than decades ago.


Yet, it is an era full of imagination, as artificial intelligence and other technological advancements reshape our life and industries at an unprecedented pace.


The law, as the pinnacle among all the disciplines, always drives social progress.


Throughout history, law has served as a powerful tool for social change, challenging injustices, promoting equality, and establishing frameworks for justice and equitable societies. Every century has witnessed landmark documents that have shaped the course of history. Such as the English Bill of Rights (1689), The American Declaration of Independence (1776), the German Civil Code (1896), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Those are just a few examples. These documents enshrine principles of limited government, individual rights, and the rule of law, advancing the cause of justice worldwide.


Legal individuals hold significance as well. Montesquieu made contributions to legal and political philosophy through "The Spirit of the Laws." Ruth Ginsburg, through her landmark decisions as Supreme Court Justice, struck down discriminatory laws and paved the way for greater equality. Baroness Hale was the first woman to hold the President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and was a strong advocate for gender equality and human rights. Through their intellectual contributions, activism, and judicial decisions, they have each played a pivotal role in advancing these causes and shaping the course of history.


The legal profession is brilliant. However, the road to success is full of thorns. As Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts stated in a Commencement, I quote:


From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice. I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty. I hope you will be lonely from time to time so that you don’t take friends for granted. I wish you bad luck, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved. I hope you’ll be ignored so you know the importance of listening to others.


How do I see those misfortunes in my life? I view them as invaluable learning experiences that have profoundly shaped both my personal and professional growth. When I graduated, I faced the challenge of having no resources and no connections in China’s legal system. I experienced the setback of lacking experience. I still recall the moments of ignorance from the judge as a new lawyer in court. I felt the profound loneliness when surrounded by unfamiliar languages during my first court appearance in India. I experienced nervousness during my initial involvement in a merger negotiation in Hong Kong. I remember the fear I felt when I had to go inside a prison in Bekobod City, Uzbekistan to visit my collogue to rescue him from prison. And I recall the misfortune of enduring a 20-hour flight to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with two layovers, shortly after undergoing my first operation on my butt.


So, graduates, don’t be afraid. Countless professional opportunities are waiting for you. From antitrust to Litigation, from capital markets to corporate governance, frominsurance recovery to intellectual property, from labor and employment to M&A, from private equity to tax, and beyond. The world of law is vast and diverse, offering a collection of paths for you to explore.


Let me take Intellectual Property as an example, I know many of you come from diverse backgrounds, and IP is a critical battlefield where you may find yourselves. In 2023 alone, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) instituted 1,208 IP trials, and 3,111 IP cases were filed in US courts. China has also seen a surge in 337 investigation, 47 high-tech companies in Shenzhen faced such investigation in 2023. This demands expertise in IP law to defend their interests. Giants like Huawei, who holds over 140,000 granted patents, require meticulous valuation and strategic utilization of their IP portfolios. As promising IP lawyers, there are many areas you can focus on: litigation strategic planning, patent analysis, free-to-operate investigations, portfolio counselling, IP transactions, and more. The IP landscape is dynamic, offering numerous opportunities for those ready to take on the challenge.


So, graduates, embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and embark on your journey with courage and determination.


You can also make a difference beyond the realm of law. There are countless things can be done: ending poverty in all its forms, ensuring quality education, achieving gender equality and empowering woman and girls, safeguarding clean water availability and sustainability,ensuring access to reliable and modern energy, promoting sustained and productive employment, reducing inequality within and among countries, making our cities safe, combating climate change, conserving the oceans, and promoting peaceful societies for sustainable development. The stage is yours to make a meaningful impact on the world.


Many prominent figures with legal backgrounds have made significant contributions across various fields, achieving remarkable success. Charlie Munger, a law school graduate, turned his helm to investment and has revolutionized the world.Former President Barack Obama experienced an inspiring journey from law student to one of the most powerful leaders in the world.Joseph Tsai, a key figure behind Jack Ma and Chairman of Alibaba Group, utilized his legal expertise to navigate Alibaba through complex business challenges.


So, Class 2024, you’ve reached an important milestone. A lot of challenges lie ahead of you. As you step into the real world, remember the values that Peking University has taught and guided you:integrity, a commitment to justice, and the unwavering voice of your conscience. Never compromise these principles, for they will be your compass in the complexities ahead.


Embrace a life of purpose, using your knowledge and skills to leave a positive mark on the world. It doesn’t have to be all-encompassing at first—just a little, bit by bit. Dare to think more, to talk more, to hope more, to try more, to risk more, to imagine more, to create more, and finally to achieve more.


I believe in each and every one of you. This is your life. This is your moment, and it’s all up to you. Your journey begins now!


Thank you very much. And congratulations to the Class of 2024!谢谢大家!祝2024届毕业生们毕业快

上一条:KONG Jiaqi: JD/JM Graduate 下一条:曹斐: 北京大学国际法学院助理教授
