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Stephen Minas


​“In recent years, international cooperation and competition have been dramatically changed by the intensification of environmental crises, the growing economic weight of large developing countries, technological and financial innovation, the rise of a new generation of international organizations and expanded non-state actor participation in governance. The study and further elaboration of mechanisms of transnational cooperation and dispute resolution in this context can contribute to meeting our most pressing shared challenges.”

  • Journal articles

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Financing climate justice in the European Union and China: common mechanisms, different perspectives’ (2021)Asia Europe Journal(online first),,

    • Stephen Minas, “The Paris Agreement’s Technology Framework and the Need for ‘Transformational Change’” (2020) 14(4) Carbon & Climate Law Review 241,

    • Stephen Minas, Matt Kennedy and Karsten Krause, “Navigating a Just Transition through the Climate Emergency: What Role for Finance and Technology” (2020) Irish Studies in International Affairs (online first),

    • Stephen Minas, “EU climate lawsans frontières: The extension of the 2030 Framework to the Energy Community contracting parties” (2020) 29 Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 177.

    • Stephen Minas, “The Energy Community as a Mechanism of Legal Transition and European Integration in the Western Balkans” (November 2019) Law Review Iustinuanus Primus.

    • Eloise Scotford and Stephen Minas, “Probing the Hidden Depths of Climate Law: Analysing National Climate Change Legislation” (2019) 28 Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 67.

    • Megan Bowman and Stephen Minas, “Resilience through interlinkage: the Green Climate Fund and Climate Finance Governance” (2019) 19 Climate Policy 342.

    • Stephen Minas, “Why the ICJ’s Chagos Archipelago Advisory Opinion Matters for Global Justice—and for ‘Global Britain’” (2019) 10 Transnational Legal Theory 123.

    • Stephen Minas, “Marine Technology Transfer under a BBNJ Treaty: A Case for Transnational Network Cooperation“ (2018) 112 AJIL Unbound 144.

    • Eloise Scotford, Stephen Minas and Andrew Macintosh, ‘Climate Change and National Laws across Commonwealth Countries’ (2017) 44 Commonwealth Law Bulletin 318.

    • Rafael Leal-Arcas and Stephen Minas, “Mapping the International and European Governance of Renewable Energy” (2016) 35 Oxford Yearbook of European Law 621.

    • Stephen Minas, “China’s Climate Change Dilemma: Policy and Management for Conditions of Complexity” (2012) 14 Emergence: Complexity & Organization 40.

    • Stephen Minas, “Kill Fewer, Kill Carefully’: An Analysis of the 2006 to 2007 Death Penalty Reforms in China” (2009) 27 UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal 36.


    • Vassilis Ntousas and Stephen Minas (eds), The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition (Routledge 2021).

    • Stephen Minas and Vassilis Ntousas (eds),EU Climate Diplomacy: Politics, Law and Negotiations(Routledge 2018).

    • Stephen Minas and H. Jordan Diamond (eds),Stress Testing the Law of the Sea: Dispute Resolution, Disasters & Emerging Challenges(Brill, 2018).

    Book chapters

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Potential Modalities for Technology Transfer under the International Legally Binding Instrument’, in Keyuan Zou and Anastasia Telesetsky (eds),Marine Scientific Research, New Marine Technologies and the Law of the Sea(Brill 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, “China’s Mental Health Law”, in H. Minas (ed.), Mental Health in China and the Chinese Diaspora: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (Springer 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, “Transnational Legal Education in China”, in Peer Zumbansen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law (Oxford University Press 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, “Climate Change Governance, International Relations, and Politics: A Transnational Law Perspective”, in Peer Zumbansen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law (Oxford University Press 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Towards environmental rule of law? Environmental standards for investment in the Belt and Road Initiative, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and BRICS New Development Bank’, in Rafael Leal-Arcas (ed.), The Future of International Economic Law and the Rule of Law (Chișinău, Eliva Press 2020).

    • Stephen Minas, “Jessup at the United Nations: International Legacy, Transnationall Possibilities”, in Peer Zumbansen (ed.), The Many Lives of Transnational Law: Critical Engagements with Jessup’s Bold Proposal (Cambridge University Press 2020).

    • Stephen Minas, “The Ocean-Climate Nexus in the Unfolding Anthropocene”, in Michelle Lim (ed.), Charting Environmental Law Futures in the Anthropocene (Springer, 2019).

    • David D. Caron and Stephen Minas, ‘Conservation or Claim? The Motivations for Recent Marine Protected Areas’ in Nilufer Oral and Harry Scheiber (eds), Ocean Law Debates: The 50 Year Legacy and Emerging Issues for the Years Ahead (Brill/Martinus Nijhoff 2018).

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Towards the East: The Energy Community and the Extension of EU Climate Governance’ in Stephen Minas and Vassilis Ntousas (eds), EU Climate Diplomacy: Politics, Law and Negotiations (Routledge 2018).

    • Stephen Minas, ‘The Sendai Opportunity: Maritime Access and Cooperation for Disaster Relief’ in Stephen Minas and H Jordan Diamond (eds), Stress Testing the Law of the Sea: Dispute Resolution, Disasters and Emerging Challenges (Brill 2018).

    • Stephen Minas, “Energy and the Law of the Sea”, inResearch Handbook on EU Energy Law and Policy, edited by Rafael Leal-Arcas and Jan Wouters, Edward Elgar, 2017.

    • Rafael Leal-Arcas and Stephen Minas, “Renewable Energy” inResearch Handbook on International Law and Natural Resources, edited by Elisa Morgera & Kati Kulovesi, Edward Elgar, 2016.

    • Harry Minas, Danny Sullivan and Stephen Minas, “Chapter 53: Culture and Expert Psychiatric Evidence” inExpert Evidence, edited by Ian Freckelton & Hugh Selby, Thomson Reuters, 2015.

    Book reviews

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Review: Julien Chaisse (ed), China’s International Investment Strategy: Bilateral, Regional, and Global Law and Policy’ (2019) 18 Chinese Journal of International Law 723.

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Review: Aquaculture Law and Policy: Global, Regional and National Perspectives by Nigel Bankes, Irene Dahl and David L VangerZwaag (Eds)’ (2017) 25 Water Law 255.

    Other publications

    • 国际金融机构法

    • 高级跨国法律研究

    • 气候变化

    • 国际公法

  • Journal articles

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Financing climate justice in the European Union and China: common mechanisms, different perspectives’ (2021)Asia Europe Journal(online first),,

    • Stephen Minas, “The Paris Agreement’s Technology Framework and the Need for ‘Transformational Change’” (2020) 14(4) Carbon & Climate Law Review 241,

    • Stephen Minas, Matt Kennedy and Karsten Krause, “Navigating a Just Transition through the Climate Emergency: What Role for Finance and Technology” (2020) Irish Studies in International Affairs (online first),

    • Stephen Minas, “EU climate lawsans frontières: The extension of the 2030 Framework to the Energy Community contracting parties” (2020) 29 Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 177.

    • Stephen Minas, “The Energy Community as a Mechanism of Legal Transition and European Integration in the Western Balkans” (November 2019) Law Review Iustinuanus Primus.

    • Eloise Scotford and Stephen Minas, “Probing the Hidden Depths of Climate Law: Analysing National Climate Change Legislation” (2019) 28 Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 67.

    • Megan Bowman and Stephen Minas, “Resilience through interlinkage: the Green Climate Fund and Climate Finance Governance” (2019) 19 Climate Policy 342.

    • Stephen Minas, “Why the ICJ’s Chagos Archipelago Advisory Opinion Matters for Global Justice—and for ‘Global Britain’” (2019) 10 Transnational Legal Theory 123.

    • Stephen Minas, “Marine Technology Transfer under a BBNJ Treaty: A Case for Transnational Network Cooperation“ (2018) 112 AJIL Unbound 144.

    • Eloise Scotford, Stephen Minas and Andrew Macintosh, ‘Climate Change and National Laws across Commonwealth Countries’ (2017) 44 Commonwealth Law Bulletin 318.

    • Rafael Leal-Arcas and Stephen Minas, “Mapping the International and European Governance of Renewable Energy” (2016) 35 Oxford Yearbook of European Law 621.

    • Stephen Minas, “China’s Climate Change Dilemma: Policy and Management for Conditions of Complexity” (2012) 14 Emergence: Complexity & Organization 40.

    • Stephen Minas, “Kill Fewer, Kill Carefully’: An Analysis of the 2006 to 2007 Death Penalty Reforms in China” (2009) 27 UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal 36.


    • Vassilis Ntousas and Stephen Minas (eds), The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition (Routledge 2021).

    • Stephen Minas and Vassilis Ntousas (eds),EU Climate Diplomacy: Politics, Law and Negotiations(Routledge 2018).

    • Stephen Minas and H. Jordan Diamond (eds),Stress Testing the Law of the Sea: Dispute Resolution, Disasters & Emerging Challenges(Brill, 2018).

    Book chapters

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Potential Modalities for Technology Transfer under the International Legally Binding Instrument’, in Keyuan Zou and Anastasia Telesetsky (eds),Marine Scientific Research, New Marine Technologies and the Law of the Sea(Brill 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, “China’s Mental Health Law”, in H. Minas (ed.), Mental Health in China and the Chinese Diaspora: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (Springer 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, “Transnational Legal Education in China”, in Peer Zumbansen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law (Oxford University Press 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, “Climate Change Governance, International Relations, and Politics: A Transnational Law Perspective”, in Peer Zumbansen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law (Oxford University Press 2021).

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Towards environmental rule of law? Environmental standards for investment in the Belt and Road Initiative, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and BRICS New Development Bank’, in Rafael Leal-Arcas (ed.), The Future of International Economic Law and the Rule of Law (Chișinău, Eliva Press 2020).

    • Stephen Minas, “Jessup at the United Nations: International Legacy, Transnationall Possibilities”, in Peer Zumbansen (ed.), The Many Lives of Transnational Law: Critical Engagements with Jessup’s Bold Proposal (Cambridge University Press 2020).

    • Stephen Minas, “The Ocean-Climate Nexus in the Unfolding Anthropocene”, in Michelle Lim (ed.), Charting Environmental Law Futures in the Anthropocene (Springer, 2019).

    • David D. Caron and Stephen Minas, ‘Conservation or Claim? The Motivations for Recent Marine Protected Areas’ in Nilufer Oral and Harry Scheiber (eds), Ocean Law Debates: The 50 Year Legacy and Emerging Issues for the Years Ahead (Brill/Martinus Nijhoff 2018).

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Towards the East: The Energy Community and the Extension of EU Climate Governance’ in Stephen Minas and Vassilis Ntousas (eds), EU Climate Diplomacy: Politics, Law and Negotiations (Routledge 2018).

    • Stephen Minas, ‘The Sendai Opportunity: Maritime Access and Cooperation for Disaster Relief’ in Stephen Minas and H Jordan Diamond (eds), Stress Testing the Law of the Sea: Dispute Resolution, Disasters and Emerging Challenges (Brill 2018).

    • Stephen Minas, “Energy and the Law of the Sea”, inResearch Handbook on EU Energy Law and Policy, edited by Rafael Leal-Arcas and Jan Wouters, Edward Elgar, 2017.

    • Rafael Leal-Arcas and Stephen Minas, “Renewable Energy” inResearch Handbook on International Law and Natural Resources, edited by Elisa Morgera & Kati Kulovesi, Edward Elgar, 2016.

    • Harry Minas, Danny Sullivan and Stephen Minas, “Chapter 53: Culture and Expert Psychiatric Evidence” inExpert Evidence, edited by Ian Freckelton & Hugh Selby, Thomson Reuters, 2015.

    Book reviews

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Review: Julien Chaisse (ed), China’s International Investment Strategy: Bilateral, Regional, and Global Law and Policy’ (2019) 18 Chinese Journal of International Law 723.

    • Stephen Minas, ‘Review: Aquaculture Law and Policy: Global, Regional and National Perspectives by Nigel Bankes, Irene Dahl and David L VangerZwaag (Eds)’ (2017) 25 Water Law 255.

    Other publications

    • Ph.D., 伦敦大学国王学院

    • M.Sc., 伦敦经济学院

    • B.A., 墨尔本大学

    • LL.B.,墨尔本大学

    • GDLP,澳大利亚法学院

  • 我院副教授Stephen Minas赴格拉斯哥参加联合国气候变化大会

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    我院副教授Stephen Minas当选UNFCCC技术执行委员会主席

    我院Stephen Minas教授受邀就可持续金融法发表演讲

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    STL助理教授Stephen Minas接受澳大利亚媒体采访

    Stephan Minas教授当选《联合国气候变化框架公约》技术执行委员会副主席

    我院Stephen Minas教授参加中欧气候线上研讨会

    Stephen Minas教授受邀参加城市与迁移全球大会

    我院Stephen Minas教授在纽约“气候司法联盟”会议发表讲话

    Stephen Minas教授出席2019能源共同体可持续发展论坛

    Stephen Minas教授就国际法院咨询意见发表论文

    我院Stephen Minas教授合著气候政策新文章

    我院Stephen Minas教授参与海洋法新书合编


    我院Stephen Minas教授多次参加能源与环境会议

    我院Stephen Minas教授受邀参加国际环境法年会

    我院Stephen Minas 教授关于气候变化法与政治新书正式出版

    我院Stephen Minas教授受邀参加伦敦国王学院跨国法律峰会

    我院Stephen Minas教授撰写并于欧洲议会讨论关于欧盟和国际气候变化法的政策报告

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